The Zac Brown Band has become one of my favorite bands. They released their first album this year, and it was a total hit. I cannot stop listening to the music. Every time I am in my bedroom I listen to their CD. One of their most famous songs is “Chicken Fried.” I love this song. “Chicken Fried” is a song about just enjoying life. This song says how the little things in life are what mean the most. It does not matter how much money you have, where you live, or what type of clothes you wear. What matters most in people’s lives are the people they love, their children, their wives, their mothers, and their friends. They are in their backyards having barbecues with fried chicken, listening to the radio, and watching the sunrise. I totally agree with this song, and I think this is an important message for children of today’s world to understand.
Zac Brown Band- a country music group
favorite- most-liked
album- CD
total hit- everyone loved it
famous- really well known by a lot of people
enjoying life- being happy
type of clothes- brand names or no name brands, expensive or not expensive
barbecues- backyard party
fried chicken- when chicken is cooked in oil and bread crumbs
sunrise-when the sun comes in the morning
totally agree- completely thinking the same thing
message- idea
In the English language as in many other languages, there are different parts of speech.
The part of speech we will be focusing on today is nouns. A noun is a person, place, or thing. For example, a person or people- wives, place- world, thing- song. Find 10 nouns in the blog and state whether they are a person, place, or thing.
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