I bought Carrie Underwood’s new CD, “Play On,” this month. I think the songs are very nice. There are a lot of slow moving songs on her CD, but overall I think it is a good CD. Her most popular song from the CD is called “Cowboy Cassanova.” I think this song is great. It has a wonderful beat to it, and the lyrics are excellent. My favorite two songs on the CD are “Undo it” and “Temporary Home.” “Undo” it is more of an upbeat song, and it is about making mistakes that a person cannot take back. “Temporary Home” is a slower, more serious song. This song is about how everyone’s life no matter where one is living, is just a temporary home, because the permanent home is in Heaven. I think this song is very heartwarming, and I just really enjoy listening to it.
Carrie Underwood-a country singer
CD-compact disc(what music is recorded on)
slow moving- when the song is not fast
beat- the pattern the sound makes
lyrics-the words in the song
upbeat-fast, happy
mistakes- something that was done wrong
serious- not funny, important
permanent- it will last forever
heartwarming- uplifting, happy, sincere
In the English language there are words that mean the same as other words. These words are called synonyms. For example, the word think is similar to the word believe. These words are called synonyms.
Directions: Choose five words from the blog and write down a synonym for each word.
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