This weekend I saw the movie, “ Where The Wild Things Are.” I thought this movie was fantastic! This movie is based upon a children’s book called, Where The Wild Things Are. When I was a child, I absolutely loved this book. I must have read this book a thousand times when I was little. This book is about a little boy who has a wild imagination. One night he gets in trouble and has to go to his bedroom with no dinner. While he is in his room he imagines he is in this crazy jungle. His bedroom actually turns into a jungle. The trees start to grow on his walls and ceiling. It was so cool. All of the sudden, he was walking through a wild forest. While he was walking in the forest, he comes across the monsters, which are called wild things. At first these wild thing seem scary, but they turn out to be nice. The little boy, Max, actually becomes their king. They have a fantastic time together, but eventually Max has to return home. Max wakes up in his bed and finds a hot bowl of soup for him left by his mother. When this book came out there was a lot of controversy. Many parents thought this book was too scary and too violent for children to read. That does not seem to be the case and children everywhere love to read this classic story. The movie pretty much stayed to the same storyline as the book. The only real difference is in the movie Max runs away and imagines the forest, instead of being sent to his room. I thought the movie was wonderfully done. The wild things actually looked real. The graphics were amazing. I recommend anyone who loves the book to go and see this movie.
fantastic- wonderful, great
absolutely- totally, completely, entirely
wild- crazy
imagination- creativity
jungle- forest, trees
comes across- walks by, meets
monsters- not human
wild things- the type of monsters in the story
eventually- finally, some day
violent- powerful, not nice
controversy- argument, disagreement
does not seem to be the case- it is not true
classic- the best
graphics- pictures
In the last blog we learned about nouns which are a part of speech. Another part of speech are adjectives. Adjectives are words that describe the nouns. Usually the adjectives come before the noun in the sentence, but sometimes it comes after the noun too. For example, “I thought this movies was fantastic.” The noun is “movie,” and the adjective is, “fantastic.” The word “fantastic” is describing how the movie was. Find 6 adjectives in the blog written above.
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That was one of my favorite books when I was a kid too. I'm glad they didnt' screw up the movie, the commercials made it look pretty bad. Another favorite of mine that was recently made into a movie is Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs