Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Party Time


Hi everyone, today’s blog it quite different from the previous ones I have written. This blog is about a surprise party that was thrown for my brother. My brother joined the Marines, so we decided to throw him a surprise going away party. By we, I mean me, my two sisters, and my brother’s girlfriend. We held the party at the local firehouse hall. We invited only close family and friends to the party. It turned out to be about fifty people! The theme of our party was a pot-luck-party. This is when everyone brings different foods to the party. Everyone was suppose to bring one thing. We were worried we were not going to have enough food for the party because everyone did not respond. Well, the complete opposite occurred! One family brought eleven trays of food! Everyone brought a lot more than they had to. Now, the only bad thing about surprise parties is the person who the party is for, usually finds out about the party. This was true of my brother’s party. A family friend, who is not to be named, blabbed about the party to my brother by accident. We were all worried he knew when and where the party was. My brother tried really hard to figure this out. He kept bugging us about the party. However, when my brother entered the party room, he was very surprised! It was fabulous! My brother was very grateful for the party and we all had a great time.


Quite- very, a lot

Surprise party- a party that is for a person, but the person does not know about the party

Thrown- given

Marines- a part of the army

Going away party- when a person is leaving home for a while, a party is given to him to say goodbye.

Local- nearby, close

Firehouse- where the firefighters work, sleep. where the firetrucks and ambulences are kept.

Hall- a big room for parties

Close family and friends- very good

Theme- what the topic is for the party

Did not respond- did not say if they were going to the party

Opposite- the reverse

For example: the opposite of hot is cold

Occurred- what happened, what took place

Blabbed- talked a lot, told a secret

By accident- not on purpose, felt bad for doing it

Worried- afraid

Bugging- kept asking the same question over and over again

Fabulous- great, amazing, wonderful

Grateful- thankful, appreciate, happy


Today in my blog, some of the sentences were italicized. each of these sentences ended with an exclamation point (!). When there is an exclamation point at the end of a sentence the sentence is read with enthusiasm. It is read with excitement. Write five sentences using exclamation points.

1. ______________________________________

2. ______________________________________

3. ______________________________________

4. _______________________________________

5. _______________________________________


  1. Very interesting surprise party! I love the idea of a pot-luck party. For ESL students, that is usually an entirely new concept. My father was a Marine in World War II.

  2. Sounds like an awesome time. Have you heard from your brother since he left for the marines?
