On the weekends I babysit a little boy. Every Saturday we cook dinner and bake a dessert. Today I am going to share a recipe with all of you. The recipe is macaroni and cheese. There are three ingredients to this recipe: macaroni, cheddar cheese, and sour cream. You will need half a pound of macaroni, 8 ounces of cheese, and 8 ounces of sour cream. The first thing you need to do is fill a pot with water and bring it to a boil. Then place the macaroni in the pot. When the macaroni is cooked, strain the macaroni. Next, place the macaroni in a baking dish. After that, put the sour cream and shredded cheddar cheese in the baking dish too. Then mix all the ingredients together. Finally, place the baking dish in the oven for about 30 minutes. Enjoy!
weekends- Saturday and Sunday
babysit- to take care of a child
share - to give
recipe- directions for making food
ingredients- what food you need for the recipe
bring it to a boil- when the water is very hot and it bubbles
strain the macaroni- take out all the water
baking dish- a glass dish that can go in the oven
shredded- cut up into very small pieces
mix- put together, combine
- In today’s blog I wrote how to make macaroni and cheese. I explained the steps to take. What to do first, second, third, and last. I used the words, first, then, after that, and finally. This is called sequencing.
- Tell me how to do something using at least five steps.
- For example, how to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, how to make a paper airplane, or how to draw a picture.
- Make sure you use the sequencing words first, then, after that, and finally. You may also use second, third, or any other sequencing words.
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